Top Ten Books I Picked Up on a Whim

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme featured at The Broke and The Bookish
This week's Top Ten Tuesday theme is the top ten books I picked up on a whim. In no particular order my pics are...
The Fall of a Sparrow - Robert Hellenga This is one of my favorite books and I distinctly remember randomly grabbing it while looking for something else in the library stacks. (Which makes me nostalgic for both the library in my hometown and when I used to actually go the library and didn't read almost everything on kindle.)
Me before you - JoJo Myers This one was more recent. I had been thinking about reading it after seeing an ad for the movie and saw it on sale at Target so I picked it up.
The girls guide to hunting and fishing - Melissa Bank I found this one at my favorite used bookstore in Burlington VT.
Murder of a bookstore babe -Denise Swanson This was the first book I read in this cozy mystery series. I was sick and went to Walgreens to get some cough medicine and picked this up as well. Since then I've read all of the books in the series.
Here at the end of the world we learn to dance - Lloyd Jones: Another target impulse purchase mostly based on the title and the fact that I love dancing.
A killer stitch - Maggie Sefton and Murder is binding - Lorna Bartlett Both found at that favorite used bookstore, I was specifically looking for mysteries but had never heard of these series before.
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett Such a great funny book. I found this one at a great gift shop in Pittsburgh. At the time I didn't really know anything about either of the authors, I'm not even sure what made me pick it up, but since I have fallen in love with Neil Gaiman, although I regret to say I have not yet read anything else by Terry Pratchett.
The Calder Game - Blue Balliett This was actually an overdrive whim. I was looking for a book I had not finished that was titled something "Blue" and this came up due to the author's last name. I had no idea what it was but it turned out to be a really lovely YA adventure book I listened to on audio.
The Peabody Sisters of Salem - Louise Hall Tharp I have to admit I have not read this yet, but it is one I picked up at a used book sale. I am very intrigued by the Salem witch trials and it looked like it might be interesting.
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